4.1 Financial mentoring and fund-raising guidance to the
innovation challenge winners
FLCTD project envisages that certain winning innovations
identified, are commercially scaled up. This requires
conducting financial due-diligence and carry out
business mentoring of select winners of FLCTD innovation
challenge, and identify the needs to make them
investment ready,provide linkages with financial
institutions Upon completion of technology validation,
FLCTD provides support to start-ups for
commercialization and fund-raising to clean
technology-based start-ups.
The support consists
of (i) design and implementation of a framework for
financial due diligence, (ii) identification of critical
financial gaps across these enterprises, (iii)
investment readiness support (including guidance to
develop business and marketing plans), and (iv)
preparation of a roadmap to facilitate private sector
investments in terms of debt, equity, or grants as per
the need of each of the start-ups.
4.2 Access Scale up Opportunities and Facilitate
investor connect
FLCTD project engaged an Advisory Services firm to
provide capacity-building support to the winners who
completed technology demonstration and validation, with
the project’s financial support, and guide them for
fundraising to support the enterprises; and facilitating
investment showcases with potential investors post
financial due-diligence, for selected enterprises.